

Individuals who wish to register to attend will be able to find information at church or you may contact We can send a registration form to you (as an email attachment) which you will need to complete and return with your check (for $66) by March 1st to ensure your spot.

All registrations are done of a first come first served basis -- if we are nearing capacity we will warn you in our updates on this blog.
This is a small retreat, and the numbers will be limited.

Our apologies if we are fully booked. After March 1st, we may know of cancellations and have openings. Please check back with us.

Note: Even if you have "signed-up" or asked us to hold a place for you --If we have not received your registration form and payment by March 1st we cannot guarantee your spot at the retreat will be held open.

1 comment:

  1. When writing your checks -- please make them payable to "Fellowship Baptist Church" and be sure to write "retreat" on the memo line. Thanks.
